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Hip-Hop Perspective
The "I Don't Get It" Question of the Week
The Business of Music
Kanye Delivers A Number One Punchline…But Is The Joke On Him?
Kanye West’s new album debuted at #1 on the latest Billboard chart (for the week ending April 23), making it seven #1 albums in a row for the controversial rapper…
This Week’s “Puzzling” Hot 100 Chart
This week’s Billboard Hot 100 singles chart (the one dated April 16, 2016) is full of fun song title couplets and triplicate combos containing puns, riddles, antonyms and good ol’…
100 Greatest Women in Music – the Past 50 Years
(Originally posted March 30, 2016.) Throughout modern history, women have made significant contributions to music in every genre, be it R&B, pop, rock, country, disco, rap/hip-hop, gospel, opera, electronic, reggae,…