In Case You Missed It: Missy Elliott Did That! (and finally got her MTV VMA props)
(August 27, 2019). I don’t know that many people still care about MTV as a music video channel. It’s been so long since the cable network was relevant in the…
You Don’t Have to be a Swiftie to Like Taylor’s ‘Lover.’
(August 24, 2019). If you’re not one of the millions of Taylor Swift stans – or Swifties as they’ve been anointed – you likely didn’t rush to Spotify or Apple…
Billie Eilish (finally) dethrones that horse song! Here are all the subplots!
(August 19, 2019). We’re going to be all over the map on this one, but then the artist in question deserves all this shine. When singer Billie Eilish first climbed…
‘Easy Rider’: A music blogger’s short tribute to Peter Fonda (1940-2019)
(August 17, 2019). Legendary actor Peter Fonda died Friday of respiratory failure in Los Angeles. He was 79. The actor will be forever remembered for roles he played in films…
Jay-Z, A$AP, Kanye…some rappers keep strange bedfellows.
(August 17, 2019). Rap’s first “billionaire” Jay-Z is getting dragged this week for teaming with the NFL in what is largely viewed as yet another corporate move disguised as an…