Purple Lemonade, Anyone?
There’s an old saying that goes, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It’s a phrase used to encourage hope and optimism when the odds are stacked against you and…
The Worst Number One Songs of the 21st Century – So Far
Is “Panda” one of the worst #1 songs of the 21st century? Folks, there’s a new #1 song in America, according to Billboard magazine. It’s called “Panda” and it’s by…
Prince’s Legacy: His 57 Greatest Songs from the Classic Years (1978 – 1996)
To see a special DJRob tribute to Prince, click here.
Prince and Michael Jackson – 1958 Was a Great Year!
For popular music, 1958 was arguably the greatest year from a number of perspectives. It was the year that Billboard began publishing its flagship singles chart, the Hot 100 –…
Prince Died For Our (Musical) Sins
I’m shedding Purple Tears tonight, for I too have sinned. Prince Rogers Nelson died Thursday, April 21, in his native Minnesota…the place he lived his whole life and in which…