The late King of Pop would have turned 60 on August 29, 2018. He left us far too young, at the age of 50 in June 2009.

On the occasion of this milestone birthday, djrobblog compiled a ranking of Michael Jackson’s 60 best songs, based solely on one blog’s opinion (translation: “best” = the blogger’s favorite in this case).
And don’t worry, no one is bold enough to claim that this is the authoritative list or that it represents the majority view. There are likely as many different opinions about what represents Michael’s best music as there are copies of Thriller sold.
And that’s an awful lot.
As with all of our lists here at djrobblog, there are criteria for eligibility. For this MJ list, the songs had to credit Michael on the label as either a solo artist, part of a duet or as the Jackson 5/Jacksons while he was a member.
What are not included are songs in which Jackson provided uncredited backing vocals. For example, Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me,” Rebbie Jackson’s “Centipede,” Diana Ross’ “Muscles,” or Stevie Wonder’s “You Haven’t Done Nothin’” (on which the J-5 sang the “doo-doo-wops”) are not eligible.
Also not included is “We Are The World,” a song co-written by MJ and one on which he performed in the one-time supergroup USA For Africa. Given the special nature of the song (it was a one-off charity event) and the multitude of other artists contributing to it, the blog didn’t consider it a Michael Jackson song for this purpose.
But djrobblog isn’t just interested in putting its opinion out there. We want to hear your views, too.
So scroll through the countdown below, and then feel free to provide your opinions in the comments – either in the blog comments section or on our Facebook page (or with each entry by voting it a thumbs-up or down).
Also, checkout the special Spotify playlist djrobblog put together featuring all 60 songs.
I have never see this kind legend in my life.
he is so Great in everything, so no one like this best musician
Great job. Opinions will differ, but great job all the same. No 43 is a personal treasure. I alway s wondered why that beautiful ballad didnt have a second verse. Its my run away favour MJ Song.
Thanks for the compliment. And yes, that second verse should’ve been included on the original album.