What’s up, everyone?! I’m the DJ Rob in djrobblog.com and this is my music blogsite. I now reside on the East Coast but have lived all over the country and overseas during my nearly five decades on this planet. In those years, the one thing that has never left me is my love of music of nearly all genres. I love to research it, listen to it and write about it.
Back in the mid-2000s, I wrote a weekly commentary titled “Ol’ Skool Music News & Trivia,” which basically amounted to me writing a bunch of articles and e-mailing them to about 150 of my interested friends. It included trivia contests, music chart facts, and opinion pieces, with a focus on 1980s R&B and pop music. Work demands caused me to put down OSMN&T in 2007, but my calling never left.
So now I’m back and here it is, djrobblog.com, where music news and trivia live! This music blogsite will cover various aspects of popular music from the early 20th century to now. I hope you enjoy the articles and commentary, special countdowns, playlists (via Spotify), along with other soon-to-be-added features. Feel free to comment and give suggestions. Because, at djrobblog.com, all opinions – humble or otherwise – are welcomed!
You can also reach me at djrob61466@gmail.com or on Twitter or Facebook.
Now return to the home page, find your favorite category and let’s get started!
Your host,
Great blog, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the feedback!
Pls o want to run. Advert here
08131326049 pls lemme be with you on WhatsApp
Hi there, I just searched my name online and it shows that I’ve got a profile on your site. I do not recall making this profile. Could you please delete my name/profile? Thanks. Fiona Thorson
Done. Thank you!
Great site and great insight. It’s great to be part of and witness firsthand such commitment to one’s true passion. Very few if any truly understand the true time and commitment devoted that has established the foundation of your work. Peace and Love.
Thanks brother (literally). Love you.
Hello Dj Rob,
After years of searching (off and on) on the web, I finally found a fellow blogger of color, who is just as musically diverse as I am. I was really, really becoming depressed. We have a serious problem on the web, with not having enough Black bloggers, male Black bloggers in particular. You have no idea how incredibly difficult it was for me to find one person like you. It’s mind boggling!! I just want to say, keep up the good work!! Brothers like you NEED to be acknowledge, ’cause there are too few of use doing what we do (especially in regards to old school music (with diversity)). Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
Thanks VintageNewscast. It’s great to know you’re out there, too!
No doubt! I definitely will not be a stranger. All my hard work searching will not go to waste. LOLOL Oh, btw, outstanding work on “100 Greatest Black Artists Of All Time.”
Thanks again, man. Actually, I’m planning to revise and update that list (using the list.ly feature with videos) next year. It’ll be three years since I first published it (June 2015).
Hey rob how can I be a featured artist here on this blog?
Tell me more about you. Or email me.
I’m trying to locate your email, Is this about to be a facepalm moment?
Facepalm moment?
I’ve known you to be one of the incredible musicKNOWLEDGEist ever born. I’m glad to see you share your talent!
Thanks my sister! You are incredible and always have supported me and others. Thank God for you!
DJ Rob, this is definitely a 180° turn from your day time job. I have a love for writing also. However, I am not much of a music person. My old school picks would be the group “Midnight Star” and O’Brian’s – You and I. Good luck to you.
Rob……………music changed – a bit – after disco was declared ‘dead’. As disco music is an identifiable genre, what would you consider one of the last disco songs?
All the best with the new site, DJ! Cheers.
Bravo, me parece esto el pensamiento excelente
Good luck on this site big brother. I’m a true to life Metalhead so if anyone has questions or want to chit chat on this, I will definitely chime in. 1. Metallica 2. Lamb of God after that Anthrax, Black Label Society, Slayer, Arch Enemy, God Forbid to name a few.
Thanks, lil brother. I will keep you in mind and may get into that genre a time or two.
I’m in….Faith
thanks, Faith!
To quote Usher, “The DJ got us falling in love all over again” with music. Looking forward to the journey through the decades….
thanks, Cuz!
Great to see the blog is up, I’m email some folk that I know will enjoy it.
Thanks, George, for the support! Please do!
You need to host the rebirth of Soul Train. hahahhaha!
I would if I had the opportunity and the resources!
I was JUST literally thinking about how I need to publish a book for teens about Soul Train. So if you’re still looking. We are hiring.
Test comment – the first!